We strive for quality above anything else, which is why we only use the best materials. We like wood with character – with a story – copper that is oxidised, steel that is aged, and resin that is lovingly hand poured to preserve what is ageing and restore what is already too far gone.

Our focus is shifting to embrace a multifaceted approach, combining modern-age composites with traditional techniques to create truly contemporary pieces for truly contemporary people. But what sets us apart is our love for the craft, the tools and the materials we are lucky enough to shape, providing you with one off pieces made to last a lifetime – no, more than a lifetime.


Where do you source your wood from?

We’ve been collecting unique wood cuts since long before GSM was a thing. Our wood comes from a variety of lumber yards from around Sydney and our stock is grown around Australia and abroad. We choose pieces based on their character, their grain and their colour, and have cuts available to suit any size or budget.

There are so many furniture builders in Sydney, what makes you different?

What makes us different is our love of creating pieces that are different. We combine materials in ways that other furniture builders do not and take pride in the origins and characteristics of the unique materials we select for a job. No two trees are the same and likewise, no two of our pieces will ever be the same either. Not to mention, our pieces are designed to last – fuck inbuilt obsolescence. Our pieces will age and mature with elegance, just as you will. Never mind American Oak this or Teak that, we can make you something truly unique to fit any budget and match any room.
Contact us to get started today.


Whoa! Bit left of field, what made you start working with resins and other composites?

We love working with wood, metal and various fabrics and that will never change. However, these materials can be so dense! Ironically, working with these man-made materials can give our pieces a softness that takes on an almost organic nature of their own. What do we mean? Well – resin for example, depending on the thickness and colour of the pour, can create a transparency providing opportunities for lighting as well as preserving or layering other materials. This gives us more flexibility in creating texture and depth in our work, resulting in pieces that stand out more than traditional woodworking techniques will allow.

How do you apply these composites in your work?

Every project is different. As mentioned above, playing with the transparency and permeability of light is one way. Resin works wonders with wood, and utilising different dyes can bring out unique characteristics in the cuts we use. On the other hand, layering gives us the opportunity to play with depth and create pieces that appear truly three-dimensional, opening the door to the exploration of freezing other objects in the resin, or wherever you want to take it really. Create an opaque surface to top a stainless side table, make ‘floating’ legs for a blackbutt dresser, or let us pour your grandmother’s ashes into the mix and we’ll turn her into a lovely coffee table – the world is your oyster! Swing us a message if you have any ideas for a unique project of your own!


Fabricate what? I thought you were a furniture company?

Think again. On the side, we share a love of classic cars from all over the globe. Classic cars are prone to rust and as such, we’re prone to welding. We’re certainly not scared to crack out a MIG or TIG to get a job done.

Our interests go beyond mild steel too, we’ve been playing with copper, brass and more. See our portfolio page to explore some of our other applications of metal work in our pieces.

How do you incorporate this in your work?

Again, it depends on the job. Sometimes we use metals such as steel or alloy to help create the structure for a piece, other times we use more precious metals to help finish a piece, such as fabricating brass handles, inlays and more. Alternatively, sometimes metal is what makes the piece. We often use found materials and repurpose them using the other techniques listed above, celebrating the story and tradition attached to the objects themselves. For example, we have something very special in the works at the moment – a rich part of Sydney’s history repurposed.
Keep an eye on our coming soon page for updates in the near future.